Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tom Holland & Amy Dixon's Favorite Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises have been around forever. Why? Because they work! Tom & Amy are sharing their favorite exercises with us.

Tom's top picks: push-up and plank.
Amy's top picks: lunge and skater.

The best thing about these exercises is they can be modified for your fitness level.

Vary the plank and push-up by starting on your knees or lifting one leg. Adjusting the position of your hands, or dropping to your elbows will also work other muscle groups.

The lunge can be done by stepping forward or backward. You can up the intensity by doing jump lunges or not putting your toe down between reps.

The skaters can be low impact by eliminating the jump and stepping side-to-side, or increase the intensity by speeding up the motion.

Add these exercises into your workout routine. Or do them when you want to get a quick workout in. Bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere! So enjoy these in the comfort of your home, or take it outside on a nice day.

Want a bodyweight exercise that targets abs? Try this 6-Minute Standing Ab Workout:

If planks are more your thing, try this 3-Minute Perfect Plank Workout:

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A Simple But Fast Guide To Lose Weight After 30, 40, 50 and Above
Without the proper motivation, many people do not meet their weight loss goals. Some of them just don't know how. There are many ways for you to make exercising more exciting. Read these tips, and you'll be on your way to successful weight loss.

Listening to workout music can get your heart pumping and make you push yourself further. Your body naturally moves to the music. As the Law of Inertia states, once in motion, objects continue in motion until exterior forces are present. Start dancing and you will not be able to stop! Many people have found dancing to be a fun and exciting form of exercise. It does not require someone to be overly fit and can serve as great cardio.

Ask a couple of friends to join you when you go to work out. Think of exercise as a method of socializing. You'll be having more fun, and your exercise time will fly by. You won't concentrate on the difficulty of your workout when you focus your attention on talking to your friends.

Think about a workout video game as a way to exercise. Using a workout video game can distract your focus from the fact you are exercising, which will help you enjoy yourself. When you focus more on the fun and not the exercise, then you won't feel as tired. Your workout will be longer because you feel more like you are playing.

While out shopping, consider shopping around for some new exercise outfits. Search for the clothes that complement you and give you a good feeling when wearing them. When selecting exercise outfits, use your imagination and resourcefulness to guide you in your purchases. Exercise gear comes in a wide array of colors and styles. This is just one more way to motivate yourself.

Doing the same routine day in and day out gets boring. When you include different activities in your exercise regime, you are more likely to stick to it. If you are not enjoying your workout routine, sticking to that routine is unlikely. By doing different types of exercise routines, you'll stay interested and determined. Don't sabotage yourself by allowing yourself to lose interest and stop. If you slack off for even a little while, it may be hard to get going again.

Reward yourself for a job well done. When you give yourself a reward, it does not have to be too big or grand. Small, simple rewards can be equally effective. Get yourself a small candy or a book you've wanted. You should select an item that is accessible but that you have refrained from buying. In selecting your reward, be sure to make it something you really want as this will help keep you motivated.

Exercise is not just about tiring, hard work. There are many different ways to make your workout routine more fun. Add some of these tips below to help make your workout routine more enjoyable and fun.

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